R6: Comics

Ease: 9/10

Price: $

Is it a hobby?: Yes

Total score: 93 (A)


Surprising even myself, a hobby involving some sort of creativity comes in the lead. I like to laugh, and I like to make others laugh - so Comics by RLA was born. I only draw in 2D so I can’t be legitimately disappointed when it looks nothing like it did in my head.


  1. Think of something to draw.

  2. Draw it.

    I use Jackson’s iPad/stylus + Procreate… so I haven’t spent any extra money on this hobby.

  3. Think it looks bad but know that’s kind of the point.

Okay, this is a throwaway hobby. I think I’m funny, so why not share some of that humor? I created Comics by RLA as a way to share a bit of smiles and laughter. Honestly, this is my favorite thing I have tried so far.

See my comics here! (I’m even minting them on OpenSea… but I only kind of know what that means.)

*“Everything's made up and the points don't matter.”


R5: Stock Trading